Treat erectile dysfunction holistically.
Regimen is the first scientifically based, holistic program for men’s intimate health – more precisely, for the penis.
According to research, 31% of men worldwide have erectile dysfunction, and many more are dissatisfied with their potency. And many men do not want to use potency drugs, or only use them for a limited time. In recent years, science has identified numerous components for the long-term strengthening of erections. Regimen has combined these components for the first time in a program that allows men all over the world to work sustainably on their erections.
Regimen is not only the first holistic and scientifically based alternative or complement to potency drugs. It is a program for improving or maintaining the erection – not just for people with erection problems, but also for men who want to maintain or improve their erections.
With this concept, the founders Max Kersting, Wilko Kunert, and Prof. Wolf Beecken convinced us and secured an investment from Marc and Matthias. The Good Brands AG holds a 3.6% stake.