TikTok Summit 2024: Preparations for the german market entry of TikTok Shops
Good Brands and Judith Williams lead teams through inspiring sessions and valuable insights

Yesterday we had the pleasure of hosting an exciting and inspiring event – our TikTok Summit with Judith Williams at the Design Offices in Munich. This special day was dedicated entirely to the TikTok platform and the question of how we can use it optimally for our investments.

Together with the teams from Judith Williams and some of our own Good Brands investments, we have been working intensively with TikTok Shop.

We had the honor of welcoming several experts who are already working successfully with TikTok Shop in other countries. The insights of our two exclusive guests from TikTok itself, some of whom flew in from Ireland to provide us with valuable insights from the UK market, were particularly enriching.

Why was this summit so important for us? TikTok Shop is about to be launched in Germany too. It is only a matter of time before the platform is rolled out here. It is therefore crucial for us and our brands to be prepared as first movers. A successful multi-channel strategy, which is always our goal, cannot be complete without TikTok Shop.

The summit was therefore an important step in ensuring that we and our portfolio companies are ideally positioned to use the upcoming platform right from the start. We are looking forward to putting the exciting insights and strategies we developed yesterday into practice.

Many thanks to everyone involved for making this day a complete success! We are ready to take the next big step in e-commerce and be at the forefront.

16.05.2024 | Munich

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